Warning Obama
Cautioning Obama about Hillary's plea for a private meeting
singing to the classic "Don't Bring Lulu"
(Now you can bring Pearl, she's a darn nice girl, but…)

Says she wants to meet?
Make it short and sweet
And don't pick Clinton.
For despite the hug,
She will wear a bug.
Beware of Clinton.

While she whips you into shape
She'll record it all on tape.
News of why she turned you down
Soon will be all over town.

Edited, of course,
So that your discourse
Shows the world that she's a saint
And you are what you ain't.

Music by Ray Henderson
Original Lyric by Lew Brown & Billy Rose
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'
To 'Obama's Voting Ploys'