Wasn't It Fraud?
Sung to the Stephen Sondheim tune
"Send In The Clowns"

Wasn't it fraud?
Who could they scare?
Troops unprepared on the ground –
Who put them there?
Bush and his clowns.

How could they miss?
Congress approved.
Voices of reason are drowned –
Ev'ryone's moved.
We need the clowns,
Bush and his clowns.

When the war stopped,
At least for him,
There he was crowing,
Not knowing that was the prelim,
Bragging that he'd won again
With his fatuous grin,
Botching his lines,
Trying to spin.

God, what a fraud,
Lying to schmear,
Hiding the hist'ry
We need to hear,
As he rewards clowns,
Incompetent clowns,
That he should cashier.

When will we bitch?
Isn't it clear
He'll have destroyed ev'rything
That we hold dear?
But now with more clowns,
More fraudulent clowns,
The damn fool's still here.

Music & Original Lyric by Stephen Sondheim
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush, The Prevaricator'
To 'A Stephrn Sondheim Songbook'