What A Friend Bush Had in Kenny
To be sung to the hymn
"What A Friend We Have In Jesus"

What a friend Bush had in Kenny.
Enron's contributions paid
To help Bushie get elected.
He must love financial aid.

Of Lay's trials and tribulations,
Bushie won't have much to say.
Friends who face incarceration
Won't be around to pay his way.

Such an economic burden
No doubt explains the reason why
Bushie asked his new friend Jack Boy
For assistance on the sly.

What a friend Bush had in Congress,
Introducing Abramoff
With instructions to bend over,
Take a deep breath and not cough.

What a friend Bush had in Jack Boy.
Abramoff's casino prey
Could be bilked for many millions,
Making future pardons pay.

What great friends are Bushie's cronies,
For without them there's no way
He'd know how to judge the ponies.
Brownie Boy can make his day.

What if crony photos surface
Showing Bushie hand in hand
With indicted future felons?
Who will be left in command?

Music by Charles C. Converse
Original Lyrics by Joseph Scrivin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Carols & Hymns'
To 'Bushie's Greed & Corruption'