What A Guy!
To be sung with Peggy Lee to the tune
"Pass Me By"
(I've got me ten fine toes to wiggle in the sand.)

He had a mandate to stop
Terroristic plots,
Not to kill Islamists
Thinking wicked thoughts
Whenever dopes like Bremer
Got to call the shots.
Must his cronies
Always turn out to be phonies?

In-ar-tic-u-late as well as dumb
With his rule of thumb: Deny!
He's told the whole damn world
He can see no way out of it,
And still has Cheney
Telling us to shove it –
What a guy! What a guy! What a guy!
So we'd better learn to love it.
What a guy!

Music by Cy Coleman
Original Lyric by Carolyn Leigh
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Policy for Quitting Iraq'