What's Going To Become Of 'Turd Blossom'
Sung to the Noel Coward tune
"I Wonder What Happened To Him"

What's going to become of 'Turd Blossom'?
Is it true he'll be given the gate
For indulging his lifelong ambition
To establish his own fourth estate.

Have you heard any word? Are they inditing Turd?
The prospect for Junior is grim.
Will he have to turn green and tax gasoline,
Then discover a gene that makes him come clean,
And go back in The Guard to his flying machine?
What will have happened to him?

Music & Original Lyric by Noel Coward
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'
To 'Bush Miscalculations'