Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod
   sailed off in a leaky shoe
With 9/11 as a prod
   to start a war or two.
"First we'll play that Taliban game,
Then make Iraqis glad we came,
And show the world we have no shame.
We are Winkin', Blinkin, and Nod."

Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod
   embarked in their leaky shoe –
Winkin' crowed, "I'll have them awed
   and show them a thing or two."
But Winkin', the Dummy, did not prepare
For photos taken in Saddam's lair –
"So why blame me? I wasn't there…"
Clever Winkin', Blinkin, and Nod.

Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod
   getting wet in their leaky shoe –
Blinkin' argued "Their case is flawed;
   we'll do what we must do.
With no attorney's there to probe,
Unless they're marble, they'll disrobe –
And for the photos use a strobe…"
Righteous Winkin', Blinkin, and Nod.

Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod
   bailing hard in their leaky shoe –
Cried for The Court who had rescued Nod
   when the voters failed to come through.
Will they be able to do it again?
Will Karen succeed as his mother hen?
Or will they succumb to their fates like men?
Frantic Winkin', Blinkin, and Nod.

Bob Carlson