Your Place For Politics - 6/19/08
Celebrating Cable TV News at MSNBC

Clip 1
We're MSNBC,
"Your Place for Politics".
She found a stranger in her home –
Reporters, "Hit the bricks!"

He wasn't there the day she left
    but was when she got back.
We'll need four hours of footage of
    his two day bivouac:
The MayTag where he washed his clothes –
The rugs on which he stubbed his toes –
The drapes on which he blew his nose –
Was he from a broken home?
Did we notice any nervous ticks
That hinted at his politics?
Aren't we still MSNBC?

Clip 2
We're MSNBC,
"Your Place for Politics".
She's injured by a faulty thong –
Reporters, "Hit the bricks!"

The lady's hurt so focus on
    her errant underwear
Although her cleavage, as you'll see,
    is trés extraordinaire.
Too big a fanny for a thong?
Closeups may take all day long
While we deduce what else went wrong.
At least we'll see our share,
And check what's in her bag of tricks
That might hint at her politics.
Aren't we still MSNBC?

Clip 3
We're MSNBC,
"Your Place for Politics".
Injured trimmer stuck in tree –
Reporters, "Hit the bricks!"

Tree trimmers face a risky life
    so stop to interview the wife.
His job's to let the sunshine in,
    not break a leg or crack a shin.
So see how long till he was found,
Then how long left hanging 'round,
So we could film him earthward bound.
So ev'ryone could see
A guy stuck in a tree.
But did he get free shots for ticks?
That could hint at his politics.
Aren't we still MSNBC?

Clip 4
We're MSNBC,
"Your Place for Politics".
Kool-Aid stand robbed in front yard –
Reporters, "Hit the bricks!"

Was the robber merely thirsty?
    No, he's there to steal from kids.
MSNBC inspired, he lives near by,
    and he's hardly on the skids.
But did the youngster steal enough
To beguile our daytime bits of fluff
Who don't enjoy more serious stuff
Like our prime-time Palace Guard?
Or should we stick with our prison flicks
Without a hint of politics
Like late-night MSNBC?

Bob Carlson

To 'Media Flacks'