He's Junior's cannon fodder.
   You don't think so? Wait and see.
When he invades Iran, your son
   could be his next draftee.
His daddy promised no new taxes.
   He said to read his lips.
Junior says, "all volunteers."
   Sure sounds like more cow chips.

No way can he secure Iraq
   with the few troops he's got.
No way can he secure us here
   with color-coded rot.
No way can he achieve his goal:
   converting ev'ry mullah
Now that they know that he, himself,
   was color-coded yelluh.

But rest assured he'll smirk and claim
   that ev'rything is dandy.
When things are blowing up at home,
   his wars abroad are handy
For keeping moms and dads in line
   who didn't think he'd do it.
While he vacations on his ranch?
   There's really nothing to it.

Bob Carlson

To 'All Volunteers?'
To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'
To 'Reviving The Draft'
To 'Rummy Ruminates'