Golly, goodness gracious, oops.
   How'll I come up with the troops
   that little Georgie's prob'ly gonna need?
If ev'ry two years he attacks
   without assessing all the facts,
   a mandatory draft is guaranteed.

He's antagonized the world;
   knitted when he should have purled.
   No other country wants to bail him out.
And he will very shortly find
   he's gotten himself in a bind
   where he and we no longer have much clout.

Iran will do just as it pleases
   and say, "To hell with Bush and Jesus.
   We'll make any kind of bomb we want."
North Korea won't malinger.
   They'll give little George the finger
   and say come and get us, dilettante.

And that's exactly what he'll be,
   all because of stubborn me,
   who convinced him we'd get by with fewer.
A smart bomb here; a smart bomb there;
   Pat Robertson will say a prayer
   for Bush, the pursue-ee, not the pursuer.

Bob Carlson

To 'All Volunteers?'
To 'Cannon Fodder'
To 'Reviving The Draft'
To 'Rummy Reminisces'