Is that your boy that Bush got shot,
   or will yours be the next?
Secure Iraq with what they've got?
   The Pentagon's perplexed.
Rummy tried it on the cheap.
But Halliburton's bills are steep.
And Junior still must earn his keep,
   for they still want Iran annexed.
Just ask The Veep.

To Dick, Iraq's a fine "success" –
   So far he's not been shot.
Hunkered down; unknown address;
   duped, depressed, dismayed, distraught.
He had feared that he'd be next,
Imagining that he'd been hexed,
But now he's got his muscles flexed –
   Your boy's in danger. Dick is not.
Now who's perplexed?

Iraq, Iran and then Korea –
   pre-emptive war's the plan.
And why is that a grand idea?
   Why fire, not just the frying pan?
Those three fires are far away
So Dick can stay far from the fray.
He much prefers that others pay
   while he hides out as best he can –
This veeps that way.

Bob Carlson

To 'Cannon Fodder'