Why Bush Wants Bolton *
Sung to the tune "You Made Me Love You"
(I Didn't Want To Do It)

It makes me want him,
And makes me want to do it,
To snuggle close up to it.

That walrus mustache –
I'll bet he knew I'd do it.
I'm sure that's why he grew it.

Without a mustache Laura
   looks so damn bare –
Why didn't she get
   that kind of facial hair?

It's what I sigh for
But didn't dare to tell her,
And still don't dare to tell her.
Why can't she grow one too?
What to do? with some glue,
   a fake would do.

No way is he qualified for
That UN job but he's got hair
   that I'd have died for
I love John Bolton's mustache.

* The Washington Post - 5/27/05
"Democrats Extend Debate On Bolton"

Music by James V. Monaco
Original Lyric by Joe McCarthy
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Knockin' Johnny Bolton'
To 'No, Johnny Bolton! No!'
To 'Walrus Johnny Bolton'
To 'Co-conspirators - Others'
To 'Diplomacy'