NRA Newtown Mass Killings
    & Wayne's Militias in Rhymed Verse

    “Got Your Numbers”11/3/13
    “First Rifles”5/5/13
    “Wave Bye-bye, Wayne”4/12/13
    “Barack's Gift”4/3/13
    “Silently Dumping Congress”1/22/13
    “Horses, Hatfields & McCoys”1/21/13
    “Elitist Daddys”1/19/13
    “Zippers That Zip”1/19/13
    “Loony Bin News”1/18/13
    “Squeezing Wayne”1/17/13
    “NRA's Union Dues”1/17/13
    “The Henny Penny Syndrome”1/16/13
    “You're Invited, Wayne”1/16/13
    “Can Guns Be Painless?”1/13/13
    “Chess With Chavez”1/12/13
    “How Good Are The "Good Guys"?”1/9/13
    “Political Money Grubbers”1/7/13
    “What's In It for Us?”1/7/13
    “Lead Poisoning”1/6/13
    “Shoot At Legislators' Kids”1/3/13
    “Members, Can You Spare A Dime”1/4/13
    “Evil Priorities”1/3/13
    “Suppressing The Vote”1/1/13
    “Are You Being Heard?”12/31/12
    “We're Not All That Different”12/30/12
    “Partners In Crime”12/30/12
    “How Many Have Died?”12/30/12
    “Questioning "Killers"”12/30/12
    “Gun Maker, Gun Maker”12/30/12
    “Jumping Jehoshophat”12/30/12
    “Wayne Justifies Bigger Gun Clips”12/29/12
    “No Longer A Do-Nothing Congress”12/29/12
    “Wayne Needs A Volunteer”12/28/12
    “Big Pharma's Guns And Drugs”12/26/12
    “Violent Games And Guns”12/26/12
    “Plan Z For Zip”12/26/12
    “Wayne's Demise”12/25/12
    “A Big Game Hunter”12/25/12
    “Wayne Blames Monsanto”12/25/12
    “A Merry Christmas Fatwa”12/25/12
    “From Grover's Cult to Wayne's”12/24/12
    “Why Semi-automatic Weapons?”12/24/12
    “Planning On Bragging?”12/23/12
    “LaPierre's Targeting Advice”12/23/12
    “An NRA Fatwa?”12/22/12
    “'Good' Shooters”12/22/12
    “An NRA Apocalypse”12/21/12
    “Guaranteeing Wayne's Plan B”12/20/12
    “Wayne's Abortion Service”12/20/12
    “Gun Control Is Up To You”12/20/12
    “Wayne LaP.'s Finances?”12/19/12
    “Wayne's Still On the Prowl”12/19/12
    “White House Won't Control Guns”12/19/12
    “Wall Street's Role In Gun Control”12/18/12
    “Escalating Evolution”12/17/12
    “No Child Left Behind”12/17/12
    “Paperless Pledges”12/17/12
    “Wayne's Sorry?”12/17/12
    “Wayne Teaches School”12/16/12
    “Wayne's Bequests”12/16/12
    “An NRA Photo Shop?”12/16/12
    “On-line Legal, Lethal Glocks”12/16/12
    “Wayne LaPierre”12/15/12
    “Questing For Power”12/15/12
    “All Out War?”12/14/12
    “Killing Connecticut's Children”12/14/12
Wayne LaPierre's N.R.A. Militia Verses

    “Arming Disgruntled Voters”
    “Big Chief Inhofe Cuts Deficit”
    “Child Labor Again”
    “Congressional Chickens Are Sitting Ducks”
    “Do Handguns Scare Congress?”
    “Don't Pick On Me”
    “Faults And Consequences”
    “From OPEC To OWEC”5/20/11
    “Frontier Justice?”
    “Give Them The Guns, Colonel”
    “Government Of, By & For Corporations”
    “How Sorry Is Boehner?”
    “Koch Union Busting”
    “Migrating From Michigan”
    “Put The Blame On Mame, Boys”
    “Rich People Back Birthers”
    “South Dakota's Justifiable Homicides”
    “Tea Leaves Or Crystal Balls?”
    “Their Timing's Been Bad”5/3/11
    “Turning Ginni Down”
    “Wayne LaPierre's Alaskan Wingnuts”
    “Wayne LaPierre's Angle”
    “Wayne LaPierre's Corporate Strategy”
    “Wayne LaPierre's KKK”
    “Wayne LaPierre's Militias”
    “When People Shoot People”
    “WikiSpills To Reveal Secret Donors”